Saturday, February 26, 2011


I was going to start by saying something along the lines of "I'm not sure why, but..." however, thinking about it I think that it's irresponsible to do that, not to mention kind of a trite, high school start. I don't think that I will ever start anything like that again... no, I don't think that I will. On to the point, recently, not only have I been listening to a lot of Death Cab For Cutie, but I have been watching an exorbitant amount of interviews with Ben Gibbard. I am addicted. I love to hear him talk about his music, and talk about his influences, and basically anything and everything. He is a very sharp and eloquent person. In particular, there was one interview where he was asked about why his songs tend to be dark and depressing, and he said to the person that he is a happy person and tends not to brood or be depressed, but that when writers write they go to dark introverted places, and that's more interesting. I don't remember totally what was asked or what was said but I was impressed by him. He was himself and didn't try to play the tortured artist card. I love DCFC and regardless of what I think of the personalities in the band, I would still love them, but it's great to admire the individuals as well. sorry for the rambling nonsense.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Clap Your Hands Say Yeah

There are some bands that I listen to on a regular basis that I'm totally in awe of. I'm totally in awe of Clap Your Hands Say Yeah. I will passively sit and listen to them and enjoy the experience. I will be happy and I will sing along, because I know all the words. And then there are other times that I feel utterly defeated when I listen to them because I know that I will never be able to write a song as well as Alec Ounsworth. It's completely humbling, and quite depressing for that matter. There are other bands that I feel this way about to a degree, but none that really compare to CYHSY. I'm not really sure why, I mean Modest Mouse and Death Cab For Cutie are two that come to mind as far as song writing and lyrics and painting a verbal picture, but none of them have ever really depressed me like CYHSY... just sayin